酥皮要我自己整,我暫時唔會考慮,因為之前學過,用的時間較多,我咁懶,暫時我不想挑戰😌超市買的酥皮,可以話簡單方便得多,但唔好買錯👀,香港好多網友都買咗印度薄餅同酥皮,唔得❌,唔同的,亦有人買咗phillo sheet,千層皮,也是不可以❌,要買,就要買Pastry puff,最好買已經壓成一張張的,否則一大舊磚頭咁,自己要壓薄,但壓得唔好,又會酥不起❌蝴蝶酥,其實好多人做過,網上好多食譜,我今次都係一個傳統簡單做法去做,無什麼特別位要大家留意,做開酥皮甜品一定唔會有問題😁今次我要玩做型,有人見到有蝴蝶造型蝴蝶酥好靚😍,我膽粗粗試下,又被我整到喎,整得到就當然要和大家分享🥳️我自己好鍾意呢款蝴蝶酥,蝴蝶造型夠晒靚,味道又好,不過唔好整太多,放咗1日已經開始唔脆,食幾多,焗幾多最好🥰️
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- Oven
- 1 sheet puff pastry (fig1 / 30cm X 25 cm)
- 20 g soften butter (fig2)
- 2 tbsp syrup (fig3 / any kind of syrup)
- 2 tsp sugar
- 2 tsp brown sugar
- 1 tsp cinnamon powder (fig4)
egg wash
- 20 g egg yolk
- 1 tsp water
- Coat puff pastry with butter. Sprinkle the filling evenly. Press lightly by hand
- Separate the puff pastry on the left and right sides (don't cut it), fold each side twice toward center. Fold them together.
- Cut the puff pastry about every 1cm. Cut open each pieces in half (don't cut it completely)
- Bend the each pieces into two equal sides. Top with the egg wash. Preheat the oven at 220°C/425°F
- Put it in the oven, and bake at 200°C/390°F for 10-14 minutes