Stir fried water spanish

Stir fried water spanish

It is one of my favorite dish when I was a kid traveled with my parents to Thailand. I can simply kill 3 bowls of rice with this dish.
This time, I am going to use soy bean sauce to replicate it. It is simple and delicious. Simply following my tips. You will make a super green stir fried water spinach.
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Prep Time20 minutes
Cook Time5 minutes
Total Time25 minutes
Course: Main
Cuisine: Thai
Calories(per serving): 130
Servings: 2 people


  • 700 g Green water spinach
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 1 tbsp minced garlic
  • 2 tbsp diced red shallots
  • 1 tbsp Shaoxing wine (fig 1)

Sauce mixture

  • 2 tbsp soy bean sauce (fig 2)
  • 1 tbsp fish sauce (fig 3)
  • 2 tsp sugar
  • 1 tsp chili garlic sauce (fig 4)
  • 1 tsp oyster sauce (fig 5)
  • ½ tsp chicken powder (fig 6)


  • Dived and separated the leaf and stem. Clean them separately and drain it well. Mix the sauce mixture and put it aside
  • Add 1-2 tsp of oil in the pan. Heat it up with medium high heat. Add in the shallot and stir fry until fragrant. Add in the garlic and mix it together
  • Add in the stems and 1/2 tsp of sugar. Mix it well. Add in the wine and stir fry for 1 min. Add in the sauce mixture. Continue to stir fry until the stem is soft
  • Add in the leaves and 1/2 tsp of sugar. Mix it well. Stir fry the leaves until it is soft for about 1 min. Dish it up and enjoy


Ingredients - Click to enlarge the image
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Keywords recipe, stir fried vegetable, Thai recipe, water spanish, 泰式, 炒菜, 炸蒜蓉, 通菜, 食譜

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