Mango sticky rice

Mango sticky rice

Mango are so delicious at summer time. It is best to make dessert with mango like mango pudding, mango ice cream and mango coconut jello. This time, I am making a mango sticky rice. A super delicious dessert. I will show you both traditional way and new way to eat it.
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Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time50 minutes
Total Time1 hour
Course: Dessert
Cuisine: Thai
Calories(per serving): 280
Servings: 2 people


  • 140 g glutinous rice (1 cup =160ml / fig1)
  • 500 g mango (about 2 pieces)
  • 6 pcs rice paper (fig2)
  • 120 ml water

Sweet coconut sauce

  • 160 ml coconut milk (fig3)
  • 25 g sugar
  • tsp sea salt

Starch mixture

  • ½ tsp cornstarch
  • 1 tsp water


  • Rinse and clean the stick rice 2-3 times. Soak it with cold water for at least 3 hours
  • Put rice into the rice cooker. Add in the water. Turn on the rice cooker and let it cook the rice (usually, about 30-50mins)
  • Bring the sweet coconut sauce to hot over medium heat on stove (do not make it boil). Turn off the heat. Gradually add in the starch mixture until the sauce is thickened. Put it aside and let it cool down
  • Peel and remove the mango pit. Cut the flesh into pieces
  • Once the rice is cooked, add in the sweet coconut sauce and mix it well. Let it sit in the rice cooker for another 10 mins
  • Dish up the rice, mango and sauce. Enjoy!

Mango sticky roll

  • Wet the rice paper. Top it with mango stick rice ingredients. Wrap it up and enjoy.


Ingredients - Click to enlarge the image
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Keywords best recipe, coconut milk, steam, sticky rice, sweet and sour, 椰奶, 甜品, 糯米, 糯米飯, 食譜

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