Minced fish with lettuce

Minced fish with lettuce

Not all the fish can stick together. If you want to make this recipe, you must use the right type of fish. No worry, i will show you in detail in this recipe and video. I will also share my enhance recipe to make the soup taste even better than original recipe.
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Prep Time20 minutes
Cook Time10 minutes
Total Time30 minutes
Course: Snack
Cuisine: Hong Kong style
Calories(per serving): 340
Servings: 2 people


  • 400 g Frozen Basa fillet (fig1)
  • 120 g minced shrimps (Optional)
  • 80 g Romain lettuce (sliced)


  • 80 g Tapioca starch (fig2)
  • 20 g cornstarch (fig3)


  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • ½ tsp sugar
  • 1 tsp chicken powder
  • ¼ tsp ground pepper
  • 70 ml water

Broth ingredients

  • 400 ml chicken broth (fig4)
  • 300 ml water
  • ½ tsp ground pepper
  • 2 tsp sesame oil (fig5)
  • 1 tbsp Chinese preserved cabbage (optional/fig6)
  • 2 tbsp diced coriander (Optional)
  • 2 tbsp diced green onions (Optional)


Steps for minced fish

  • Thaw the fish. Dry it well. Cut it into small pieces. Mince it with a knife or grind it with food processor
  • 魚蓉加入調味料攪拌及摔撻魚蓉直至黏在一起,it is sticky
  • Add water 2 to 3 patches. Mix well. Add in the starch and mix well
  • Put the minced fish in refrigerator for 30 mins or more

Steps for minced fish and lettuce

  • Add in the broth ingredient. Bring it to boil over high heat.
  • Combine the minced fish and shrimps together. Divide the mixture into small pieces. Put the mixture into the hot soup and cook for 3-4 mins
  • Put the shredded lettuce into the bowl. Top with cooked fish. Add in the hot soup. Enjoy


Ingredients - Click to enlarge the image
How to make minced shrimps
https://youtu.be/owH9sligJC8?t=167 (start from 2:47)
1 If the fish is not sticky after mince, please stop. The fish of your choice cannot be used for this recipe
2 Test the fish mixture by putting it into the boiling water. If it didn't fall apart, it passed the test
3 You must add sesame oil and pepper in the broth.
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Keywords hong kong street food, minced fish, recipe, soup, 如何做清湯腩, 生菜, 簡單, 街頭小吃, 食譜, 魚肉

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